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Comments (1)

Sophia Martindale-Hadley (Student 2023)
Sophia Martindale-Hadley

I do not totally understand how to submit the assignments yet, but this is the first one. What is not being said in this conversation between an absent-minded Sheldon and the passive-aggressive Amy Farrah Fowler? 1.In their conversation, Sheldon is complaining to Amy about a decision he has to make. At the beginning of the scene, Amy is obviously not interested in what Sheldon has to say about his issue. As he continues to explain his issues with the “product”, she is heard, continuously asking Sheldon to “please pass the butter,” earning her a slow response. However, once Sheldon realizes that Amy is not paying his complaints any mind, he informs her that he would like for her to listen to what he is saying. In response to his request, Amy begins to over-exaggerate her interest in his comparisons and contrasts. As he begins to bring the discussion to a close, Sheldon asks Amy for her input, Amy, looking very annoyed and irritated, finally is at her wits end, yelling at Sheldon to “PASS THE BUTTER!” In the end, both Amy and Sheldon were not listening to the other, in turn, earning an irritated statement from the other at one point or another. My conclusion, is that, without the proper communication between to people, whether friends, family, or as a couple, things often get misunderstood or not heard when they need to be.